Using Social Media in Combination With PPC for Online Marketing

Everyone knows about the importance and the role played by social media in boosting the outcomes of search engine optimization. The ever-increasing number of social media users and its worldwide access and use makes it one of the best tools to increase and spread the name of business.

Going beyond the use in SEO campaign, social media can also be efficiently used in combination with PPC advertising. Social media can play a crucial role when it comes to ads retargeting. Before moving on to how these two mediums can be used together, first we need to see what major problems marketers face when using social media for promotion.

Social media is great for generating traffic, you just put content and it gets disseminated across the globe. However, it is not useful when the page views, links, and social shares go down.
Businesses want to put forwards their sales pitches very desperately, and find social media lacking in assisting them in this regard.
In social media, businesses find it hard to put informational content on their profiles, which would somehow get them a lead. Though, putting content on social media is free, but creating such an informational content that generates a lead can turn out to be very costly for the business.
Social Media and Ad-Remarketing Mix:

The above-mentioned problems can be easily solved by introducing the missing element of ad remarketing in an internet marketing campaign. The benefits, which the use of ad remarketing on social media platforms would bring, are:

Ad remarketing can help convert an informational content into content with a potential of generating a sale. On the social media platform, a business can share an information content related to the business, at the end of the content the business can use the already marketed ad, which carries further information related to the content shared. This way a business does not have to spend extra on converting an informational content into a sales generating content.
The potential of social media can be greatly increased with the help of ad remarketing. If your business has achieved trust on social media platforms, then you can use the already marketed ads, to capture the customers/followers who were not there when you initially launched the ads. This way you increase your traffic via social media, as well as the chances of making sales.

In short, a combination of Ad remarketing, and social media can help increase the outcome of both the channels and boost the revenue of the business from online marketing.