What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a word which has been used to describe pain in the lower back. This pain can be caused by various problems like muscle imbalance, nerve problems, etc. The pain may also be due to sprain, strained ligaments, disc or bone injury or simply a sprain or strain of any other sort. Most people know how to deal with the problem by themselves by applying ice on the affected area for the period of 10 minutes every hour. This helps in reducing the inflammation and swelling of the tissues and the muscles. You should not exercise for a couple of days.

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You should also keep some cold packs on the affected areas as they can help in increasing the blood flow. You should consult your doctor before you start using any medication for the treatment of the pain. There are different types of medications available in the market, which are used to treat the pain that you may experience due to sciatica. Some of these medications like painkillers are prescribed by doctors but most of these are over the counter medicines that you can easily get from a local pharmacy. Alternatively, consult a Dublin Chiropractor at a site like Chiropractix, a leading Dublin Chiropractor.

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While choosing the type of medicine, you should take into account the severity of the pain, the amount of time required to get relief from the pain and the side effects that may occur due to the use of the medication. Apart from that, you should keep yourself active and avoid all kinds of unnecessary activities which could worsen your pain. Yoga exercises can also help a great deal in relieving the pain caused by sciatica.