Spring Cleaning Checklist for your Roof

Once winter is over, it’s time to take stock of your property and check for any weather damage. One of the most important places to check is your roof, which can take a battering during the winter months. Here are some things you need to check:

Look at your shingles

The first thing to do is have a good look at the state of your shingles. You might notice that some are wearing out, broken, faded or peeling away from the membrane. Any missing shingles will need replacing to prevent water damage. Whatever your shingles are made from, they will need checking as some materials are more susceptible to ice and snow damage for example. For all your roofing needs, contact Roofers Cheltenham.

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If you have trees located close to your property, they will be starting to grow again in the spring after sitting dormant all winter. If there are any leaves or branches touching your roof, now is the time to have them cleared away. Branches that rub or bump against your roof can cause it damage over time. Anything hanging directly over your roof could also break and land on the roof, causing further damage. This protects your roof from both damage and a build up of leaves.


It’s highly important to check gutters for accumulations of leaves, detritus and any other debris from the winter months. Checking them and clearing out any build-up will keep water flowing freely from the roof and away from the property. Check for any roof debris that might have slipped down from the roof into the gutters. This is an indication that your shingles need checking in case they are becoming thinner or disintegrating.

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Examine the loft

It’s important to examine the structure that your roof is supported by. You need to check for any moisture that shouldn’t be there and also signs of light showing through from the exterior. If any repairs need completing, you should do this quickly to prevent further damage from leaks into your loft space.

Other signs of potential problems include mould or mildew developing. Indications of either will require a thorough clean and a replacement of any damaged or missing shingles. Spring is the best time to get these jobs sorted and have your home looking and feeling at its best, providing the function it was designed for. It’s recommended to take all precautionary measures and repairing measures to keep your roof in great condition for the winters ahead.

functional. Be sure to take the proper precautionary measures or to even get the roof repaired if necessary.