Techniques And Innovations In Exhibition Stands Hampshire

The key change in the design of exhibition stands Hampshire has been the move towards using the space inside the module, rather than its perimeter, to produce the desired effect.

The traditional exhibition stand, unless it is designed bespoke for a specific location in a specific exhibition hall, is confined to the rectangular footprint of a shell scheme. A client company might have one shell scheme place in an exhibition hall or have booked multiples joining one another to get a larger overall area within which to work.

In either case, design is aided by a total uniformity of scale. As a designer, one would simply have to multiple the normal available spaces in a single stand by the number of stands being used by the client. This allows designers to have several templates in hand by which they can begin a client’s design project.

For instance, it is possible to begin creating exhibition stands with a known set of measurements for commonly used stand furniture – a reception desk, a literature stand or a series of shelving units. By having these measurements known, in terms of how much space they occupy within a single shell scheme unit, the stand designer can begin to recommend the best combinations of furniture for a client’s requirements. Bear in mind that these requirements have two major defining factors – firstly, what the client company needs to get across to its audience and secondly the space in which that message can be embodied.

There are material and technical trends in the design of exhibition stands Hampshire, which further advantage the stand designer. Like a website, an exhibition stand is almost “required” to embody a particular fashion, for materials and for layout. Stand visitors become immersed in the language of stand designs appropriate to their industries; looking for informational displays within the vertical display boards, for example. The stand designer, then, can signal the use or purpose of various bits of his or her stand design simply by adopting the appropriate shape, lighting or material.

Materials are used more and more in the design of exhibition stands Hampshire. Translucent materials in bright colours are particularly widely used at the moment; they give an extra sense of depth to a stand and can be further enhanced by projected lighting.

Printed text on materials of this nature can be made to “leap out” of its surroundings by virtue of the illumination behind it allowing the stand designer to use keywords or phrases to attract the attention of the passerby; and at the same time, to impart the most important bits of information about the client’s business.

Fabric is also easy to store and transport. Its light and the parts of the stand made from shaped fabric can simply be flat packed in protective containers for storage between shows.

Fabrics are much easier materials to use when making specific shapes. A rigid frame with fabric stretched over it provides a light, strong and airy environment.

Solid materials are used where a different sort of feeling is appropriate; normally, where elements of the stand have a functional as well as a decorative aspect.