Window condensation – what causes it and how to stop it

If you’ve noticed condensation on your windows, don’t panic. It’s perfectly natural, and there is a cure. Leave it untreated, however, and you can store up some serious problems.

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What is condensation?

Condensation forms when warm water droplets hit a cold surface like glass or a mirror. In fact, condensation can be a good indicator that the glass in your windows is doing its job and sealing your house.

Condensation often forms on the inside of your windows in winter, when warm air inside the house condenses on the cold window panes. Excessive moisture inside the house can damage your windows and the walls around them.

What does excess condensation mean?

If you’ve noticed frequent and excessive condensation, you may have a problem, including structural damage to your property. This is particularly true if you have double or triple glazed windows that are developing condensation between the panes. This could be a sign that the seal has been broken and the glazing unit needs replacing.

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Excess condensation can cause paint to peel and flake or result in mould and mildew inside the home. These can cause a range of allergies and are bad for respiratory health.

How can I solve the problem?

Because condensation is caused by excess moisture, there are plenty of straightforward ways you can try to reduce it. Use a dehumidifier to suck excess moisture out of the air in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. If you use a humidifier, turn it down or off.

Run your cooker extractor hood every time you cook. If you have a bathroom fan, run it when you use the bath or shower. If your bathroom isn’t ventilated, invest in a mechanical fan. You should also make sure there is proper ventilation throughout the home to allow air to circulate and wick away the moisture.

Check your windows, and use weather stripping to block up any cracks. Contact emergency glaziers in Leicester, such as, if you have a problem with broken window panes to ensure they’re properly boarded up before replacing them with double-glazed units.

Preventing damage

Reducing the excess moisture inside your home will prevent damage to your interior. Use a window coating to repel rain on the exterior of your windows, and remove any condensation with paper towel to stop the problem.