Wooden play equipment advantages

The benefits of play equipment for children are well known: they provide a safe environment for children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, while developing other social skills such as turn-taking. But are all types of play equipment equally valuable? Here are some of the reasons why choosing wooden play equipment is advantageous.

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Natural materials

Wooden play equipment is more physically appealing. It looks beautiful and will fit in with other equipment you may have in your garden, such as a tree house, as well as any natural features you may have. Imagine your beautifully designed garden with a view interrupted by some rusty metal poles. Wooden furniture blends in and is natural. It won’t go rusty within a few months of poor weather conditions. Importantly, it will help children make the connection between play and their natural environment. Children will begin to see the great outdoors as one big playground.


Children’s wooden climbing frames will last longer than the typical metal frames. Properly treated wood will be able to withstand extreme weather conditions such as snow and ice, and will not begin to look tired as quickly as metal frames do. Estimated to last fifteen years, a wooden structure will provide many years of imaginative play for your children.

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Using wooden play equipment, is safer for children than metal equipment. Inevitably, every child will have a bump while exploring play equipment. A smooth, rounded wooden surface is much preferable to a cold, hard, metal surface. All equipment must comply with national standards that ensure the equipment is safe as well as comfortable to use. Hugging a tree is better than hugging a metal pole.  The only time safety needs to be a concern is in construction of the equipment.  Because the frame is wood, dust will form and fill the air with particles, but with a Dust Monitor from business including mattsmonitors.co.uk/construction-dust-monitors.html your staff will not have to worry as it will scan the air for you.  It is also lightweight, easy to transport and has an easy installation.


All play stimulates imagination. Children create their own games as they use the equipment. They learn new skills by swinging from monkey bars or balancing on logs. Climbing develops muscles and imaginations. Having other wooden structures in your garden will encourage role playing. Trees will help create a landscape. Your wooden hut might become a fairy castle. The outside world will be drawn into their play, when wood is used. They will use the rest of the outdoor space and develop games.

Wooden play equipment looks more appealing in your garden and provides the most amazing tool to fuel your children’s imaginations.