Where a tapping machine is better than a human

There is a very definite argument that technology is making us too reliant on machines. Until recently humans were still able to best machines at standard games such as Chess and Go but with advanced AI work from Google the best human player has been beaten, the last remaining bastion is gone. Should we be concerned? What does this bode for human employment? Only time will really tell but there is a fine example of where the machine has made such an improvement there is no way we can go back to using a human hand and eye again.

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It is the world of electronics and the machine is a computer programmed tapping machine. Tapping Machines, like the ones available from Cotswold Machinery Sales are pieces of equipment that are able to press home a series of holes into metal, glass, plastic and wood in a variety of different ways. Some use compressed air and others produce thread holes for the inclusion of screws later.

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The reason that humans cannot be trusted with this task is that for complicated setups like computer motherboards or electronic components need to be very precisely placed into the circuit board. They are meticulously planned out by computer design before hand and there cannot be any margin for error. A preprogrammed tapping machine will happily bang out a series of these circuit boards with small holes for the components to be added and soldered in place.