Headline Anxiety – What is it?

Mental wellbeing is something that we all need to be aware of and also keep on top of. Just like physical health, good mental health needs to be maintained and we should all have a good awareness of mental health. There is a lot of advice on the internet at places like Mind, as well as mental health training courses like this https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk/mental-health-courses that you can attend and learn more about mental health.

Something that is often a trigger for mental illness is the news and the media. In fact, this has been dubbed ‘Headline Anxiety’ and describes the negative feelings that are particularly associated with the doom and gloom that is often reported in the media.

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The problem is that nowadays this is more widespread, due to the fact that the news is all around us – rather than choosing to watch or not on the television at a set time, there are not only multiple channels dedicated to rolling news, but also our phones which blast information in on an almost constant basis.

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Too much of this can cause some people to develop feelings of anxiety about what is going on in the world and not being able to get away from it and stop worrying about it adds to this and increases the anxious feelings.

When this is the case, it is important to switch off. Stop using social media, stop looking at the news and stop watching it. Fill up your life with positives that you enjoy.