How can earwax be removed safely?

Earwax is incredibly important to the overall health of our ears, but an excess of it can lead to itchy ears, an increase in the likelihood of contracting ear infections and problems with hearing. There are a number of ways that you can remove excess ear wax, but you should always consult with an Ear wax removal Lydney specialist to do this.

One of the first stages of removing earwax safely is to soften the wax. This can be done by purchasing over-the-counter olive oil drops or drops that contain other active ingredients. These work by breaking down the earwax so it is easier to remove. In some cases, the softened wax will migrate to the outer surface of the ear, where it can be safely removed by the individual.

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In the cases of earwax that has built up into large impacted blocks, it may need to be removed manually. This usually involves either using small jets of water or an extraction tool. Both of these methods should only be carried out by a qualified professional, as removing earwax incorrectly can cause damage to your ears.

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Once you have had the earwax removed, it is important that you do not place anything inside the ear as the area needs to recover. You should notice an almost immediate improvement in your hearing. It is important that you monitor your hearing and any other symptoms of wax buildup so you can get this removed swiftly in the future.