The ladies of Garden design

Some of the most influential figures in Garden development and design have been women, Since the end of the nineteenth century the ladies of design have produced exquisite gardens that still have a huge effect on the modern garden designers. There is nothing wrong with something being a nod to Jekyll or Lindsay. They would all certainly be capable of putting some Mountfield Parts together as a bit of DIY Spare Parts in the mower would hold no barriers to them.  Here are some of the best.

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  1. Gertrude Jekyll. Jeykll is the Godmother of British Gardens. She led a revival of the formal after the destruction of so many by Capability Brown the century before. Jekyll saw the garden as a canvas and flowers were her pallet. His ideas could also be translated to the small back garden as well as the stately home.
  2. Margery Fish. Fish is the lady for saving us lots of gardening time. Her simple approach suggested that we use ground cover plants to save on weeding. She also advocated the use of perennials and silver leafed varieties. She liked the functioning, but pretty, Cottage Garden.

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  1. Brenda Colvin. For most of her life Colvin was keen on making the public garden rather than the private garden her priority. She worked with town planning and even power stations to create colourful spaces.
  2. Vita Sackville-West. Not one to take the limelight, she claimed her husband did most of the work and landmark Sissinghurst Castle, her designs of colour flower arrangements combined with the wildness of shrubs, set the tone for many future garden designs.