What are the different ways of unblocking a drain?

A blocked drain is a common problem and often a homeowner’s worst nightmare as it can be costly, disruptive and lead to unpleasant odours or backups. Learn to effectively tackle your drain issues with the techniques below.
1. Plunging

Tools needed: plunger

How to: Place the plunger over the drain and push down firmly to create a strong seal. Then, push and pull your plunger quickly to dislodge minor blockages.




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2. Drain snake (or auger)

Tools needed: drain snake or auger

How to: Insert the snake into the drain until you feel resistance. Rotate the handle clockwise to break up clogs, then pull out the snake along with the debris. For more on using a drain snake, see here.

3. Chemical cleaners

Tools needed: commercial drain cleaner

How to: Follow instructions carefully and never mix chemicals. Pour the recommended amount down the drain and wait for it to dissolve the blockage before rinsing with water.

4. Baking soda and vinegar

Tools needed: baking soda, vinegar, boiling water

How to: For a natural alternative, pour half a cup of baking soda and then half a cup of vinegar down the drain. Cover the drain and leave it for 15 minutes. Flush with boiling water to clear.

5. Natural enzyme cleaners

Tools needed: natural enzyme cleaner

How to: Enzyme cleaners break down any organic matter that may be causing the blockage. Follow the instructions for the best results.




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6. Professional plumbing services

If all else fails or you suspect the blockage is severe, it’s best to contact a professional to assess the situation and protect your plumbing. Specialists such as wilkinson-env.co.uk offer a range of solutions including drain lining Gloucester.


Blockages are best avoided, so save time and costly repairs by being careful about what you flush down the toilet or put down your drains. Don’t forget to schedule regular plumbing maintenance to detect issues early.

By understanding these methods, you’ll keep your plumbing system flowing. Remember that safety should be a priority when dealing with drains, so seek professional assistance if you’re unsure.