Cleaning Up Your Restoration Project

If you’re excited about a new renovation project then there’ll be a huge amount to think about and plan. One problem is the state of the masonry and to restore a property to its former glory, you may need to think about calling in the professionals. Here are some common issues found with old brickwork that should be dealt with:

  1. Copper Marks

These can present as black, blue or green stains on the masonry where copper or copper-containing metals are found embedded into the brickwork. This occurs over time when metals react with the atmosphere and cause oxidization to occur. Any water that runs over or out of the bricks will cause the stain to travel and leave an unsightly and discoloured marking. For Masonry Cleaning Products, visit

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  1. Asphalt/Tar

Sticky, black or brown stains can appear as a result of close proximity to a road, car park or construction areas. It can also drip down from any roof work that’s been completed or ineffective waterproofing. There are specialist tar removal cleaning products that can be used to rid your masonry of such unsightly spots.

  1. Paint

At some point in the past, if someone has painted over the brickwork then you may wish to remove it to reveal the original architecture underneath. It might also be necessary to carry out any repairs that need doing and not be entirely for aesthetic purposes. If you want to repaint the area then you will also need the paint removing. You may also find paint stains as a result of dripping down from overhead surfaces.

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  1. Hard Water

This will be shown as a hard-white deposit on the surface of the bricks. This can often be found at ground level and reflects the way the water irrigation systems operate in that area. The stains occur due to exposure to water with high levels of salt and/or minerals and as the water evaporates, it leaves behind the crystal-like deposits.

  1. Graffiti

If a property has stood for some time in a busy or urban area then there is a chance it could have some form of graffiti on its masonry. Tags, drawings, words or scratched in marks might have been made with paint, permanent markers or aerosols. There are several different ways to remove unsightly and unwanted staining caused by this illegal activity.

  1. Algae

This is a biological growth that can come in many coloured forms including orange, red, brown, green or black. It is most commonly a problem on limestone, mortar, concrete or marble surfaces and any surface that contains levels of calcium. Algae can become a major problem and completely cover a surface that is often or always damp or wet. Walls that are not in direct sunlight, have excess moisture and a source of food such as calcium provide a breeding ground for algae to grow.

  1. Sealant Spread

If you notice dark or light stains on either side of a silicone joint then it could be the result of a bleeding of the silicone. Oils from the silicone can spread into the neighbouring stone or concrete and this is most commonly seen in concrete blocks or natural stone.