Maintaining visibility: Creating a podcast for your membership

One key objective of every membership organisation is to keep its members informed of issues and developments pertinent to them. This is one of the primary ways membership organisations add value and it is key to year on year membership retention.

Maintaining visibility

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Although sending out newsletters and print publications to members can be an effective way of disseminating information, very often, time constraints can mean that important information contained within messages is missed. Busy individuals will often put off reading long articles or emails with the intention of getting to them at a more convenient time. In many cases, that convenient time never actually materialises and the email is filed away and forgotten.

Advantages of podcasts as a communication tool

There are many benefits to be gained from creating podcasts for your membership. Firstly, unlike some of the methods mentioned above, podcasts can be listened to on the go. This means that they are an ideal way of engaging with a busy audience, as members are able to download and listen to podcasts on their commute for instance, or perhaps on the way to meetings.

Podcasts are also very simple and cheap to produce. According to the Content Marketing Institute, once you’ve chosen the audio software, such as Audacity, creating a podcast is as simple as recording your conversation and adding a short intro and music if desired.

Another advantage of podcasting is that it allows you to get your organisation’s personality across in a way that is nigh on impossible with the written word. Second only to a face to face meeting, podcasts are ideal for delivering not just your message, but also tone and culture.

Associations can increase the reach of their podcasts by using membership management systems such as, to create and track objectives and monitor listening habits in order to fine tune their delivery.

What to consider when creating your podcast

Do not create a podcast simply because others are doing so. Think carefully about your message and ensure that it is one that adds value and can easily be conveyed without visuals. Ensure your members can access the podcast easily by providing links on your website and social media pages. Finally, ensure your podcast ends with a call to action that aligns with your association’s objectives.