What is in the Air?

We all need air to breathe. Without it life on earth would not be possible. Have you ever wondered what is actually in the air that we breathe? What is the breakdown of what is in it. We take in air to our lungs. This then oxygenates our blood making our bodies work better. With air being all around us it might surprise you to know that we are being pressed by the air in the Earth’s atmosphere as if we were 34 feet below the seas. In most cases this would be fatal but the air pressure is distributed equally around as plus the water in our bodies pushes back against it meaning we do not get crushed.

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Air is made up of 3 factors. The largest is Nitrogen. This makes up the largest part at 78 percent. Oxygen, which people think air actually is, makes up 21 percent.

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The rest of it is carbon dioxide, which we breathe out, and then things like methane. We need the oxygen part to make a  flame. A Boiler Service Gloucester based firm like https://www.hprservicesltd.com/gloucester-boilers/boiler-service-gloucester/ will soon tell you that without a supply of air nothing is going to work.