The importance of community in older age

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As human beings we are predisposed to desiring connections with others, whether this is with our friends and family or with other people that we have things in common with. This dates back to when we were hunter gatherers and working in a community was essentially to our very existence. With more and more of us split from our friends and families across the globe as geographical restrictions are no longer such an issue the problem of isolation can occur.

This can become more of a problem as we age and enter retirement as the natural community that we have based around our jobs ceases to exist. In order to counteract this Residential Park Homes such as cretae the perfect, ready made community for those who are looking to retire to be a part of.

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Whether it is finding neighbours that have worked in similar jobs as you or joining one of the social groups that often operate at these parks and finding new friendships, the ready-made communities that are a part of these age related settlements is incredibly important in helping to remove some of the barriers that can accuse isolation. Many people looking to retire in the near future will move into these parks at ages 50-55 so that the friendships that they develop there can help them to navigate through the sometimes difficult period of retirement.