Why every garden needs a summer house

Apart from greenhouses, sheds were generally the only permanent structure in a garden, providing a functional storage space, along with a safe haven for the man of the house!

With the growing trend for summer houses, things are changing, allowing the whole family to make the most of the garden, whatever the weather.


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What makes a summerhouse so essential?

The most obvious attraction is the extra freely usable space it creates. Even a garden which has decking or a paved area for table and chair sets is still at the mercy of the elements, which can make planning to use that area difficult, while a summerhouse is usable whatever the weather.

They have multiple uses

A summerhouse can be designed to suit whatever you want to do inside it. It could become a mini-gym, a games room, a home office or simply a place to read and relax.

Year round use is possible

Summerhouses are available in a wide variety of designs and sizes, so take the time to choose one which will meet all your needs both now and in the future. Despite the name, there are many styles available which are fully enclosed and usable through all the seasons with the addition of a heating and lighting source. Despite being more expensive than a basic summerhouse this is a good investment if you could make use of the space beyond the summer.

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A summerhouse can add value to your home

A well designed, good quality summerhouse can easily increase the value and attractiveness of your home to potential buyers.

Some tips for making the right decision

1- Ask your local council about planning permission or regulations in relation to erecting a summerhouse. It’s always bêtter to ask first than have to fix problems later.

2 – Don’t forget your summerhouse needs a strong foundation. This may dictate where it can be located in your garden.

3 – Use a company that understands the business well. For example, summer houses in Northern Ireland need to be made from the right materials to deal with a wet climate. Experts with experience in the field, such as http://www.morrowsectionalbuildings.com/summer_houses can offer specific guidance to help you make the best choice.

Adding a summerhouse to your property is a great way to enjoy extra space at a very reasonable cost.